T Rex Family

T Rex Family

Friday, July 1, 2011

Barber Park...

The weather has finally been nice - end of June and it's finally warm. Talk about weird weather around these parts. Still a few times we've put on sweatshirts but that has not deterred the kids from puddle jumping, running in the rain, or even jumping into the river.

On Wednesday the kids and I met some friends at a nearby park. I have not taken them there because it's right on the river and this year the river is running really high. But I thought with another mom-friend and her kids being there, I'd be fine. Her calm demeanor tends to keep this tightly wired mama much more calm. So we met them. In classic Idaho weather, it stormed for 15 minutes and then the sun came out.

The kids had fun wading in the raft boat launch area. There were no floaters because the river is so high. I was not too worried until Bebe Sister kept wading, and wading...then she fell into the water. She tried to stand back up but there was an incline to the ramp and she fell back in. I watched to see what would happen. Then, she did not stand back up...At that point, I jumped into the water and grabbed her. I did not think anything of it until I realized that all of us were soaked and the outing had just begun. 

I'm sure I would have totally freaked out but my friend and her calm demeanor kept me cool as a cucumber. And Bebe Sister did not even cry except when I removed her from the 54 degree water. You can see from the photos below the ramp style. Ironically, everything on that girl was soaked except the flat diaper inside her Bummis super lite diaper cover.  (I'm telling you - love that diaper cover.)

No problem, I carry my emergency preparations kit in the back of the car - spare clothes and shoes for everyone. Not the most fashionable clothing but it gets the job done. So, away we went for jungle gym fun and our picnic lunch.

We had so much fun, we took T Rex Dad back the following night. This time because it was evening, there were other things to see - like this beaver. We were impressed by its size. There must be plenty to eat along this stretch of the river because it had another friend working across the river who was equally large.

The kids have been spying bugs lately. In fact, I am planning a separate posting on their bug adventures. This however, does not qualify as a bug so I'll post it here. We can only surmise it is some kind of hermit crab or something of the sort. Kind of creepy crawly but they were all over in the water along the banks.

Here our little bean is learning the fine art of watching the water and not jumping into the water. I will be so happy when her inhibition-development-part-of-the brain (that's technical term for it, I'm sure) is a little more developed. We'll keep working on it and being diligent so as she is always within arms reach. She's at that stage where we never know if she's going to dart into the street in front of cars or leap off  her chair. She thinks is all fun but boy it gets our hearts going. I remember from this stage with T Rex - it is exhausting. But, in the end so very, very worth it. 

T Rex Dad is on "stay-cation" for the next 10 days so more updates on our fun with him are forth coming. But in case they are delayed, know it is because we're having too much fun having him around and doing fun things at and/or near home.


Rey said...

The Mr. and I are both pretty cautious (paranoid) parents as well. Kudos for not freaking out! Non the less, looks like everyone had a great time!
And I hope you all get to enjoy each other during the staycation!

Jed Wheeler Family said...

What a beautiful park, with a river that is an actual river, not a glorified ditch. :)
Isn't it amazing how brave little ones can be? And kind-of scary too!

septembermom said...

I love how she is serenely sitting there watching the water. What a lovely photo. That beaver was a cool sight for the kids. Glad that they had so much fun. Hope you had a great 4th of July weekend :)

Kim said...

That park looks awesome! And I would be worrying about the exact same thing. I'm so happy to hear that T REx Dad is on staycation. They are the best family times.