T Rex Family

T Rex Family

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Live Nativity Scene

Last night we went to a really cool live nativity. I've always wanted to go to one. There used to be one every year a the church up the road where I lived for several years. And every year I said I was going but things never worked out. Well, this year, by serendipitous chance, they did!

The event was held at the Christian non-denominational church just below the hill to our house. It was one that you just drive through. I was totally impressed!

Outside snow was falling so it made for a beautiful evening. Especially since we were toasty warm in our cars. But, the photos are a little distorted from the camera flash against the snowflakes. There are still a few cool shots - I love the one of the camel. (Remember they are taken from the inside of the car.)

I was so busy snapping photos that by the time we got to baby Jesus, the cars behind us were getting restless and I could get no more shots. So, that's why there is not one of him. It's not that I am forgetting who Christmas is really about.

It felt like such a "Christmasy" (yes, I make up words) thing to do! Truly!

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