T Rex Family

T Rex Family

Monday, February 8, 2010

Photos, Photos, and More Photos...

We've been quite busy and there is lots to post so I'm just going to start with a montage of photos (the baby is hungry and T Rex Dad is using all his skills to keep her happy until I'm done). As he said, "Whose her Daddy?!?"

Our first complete and updated family photo - taken on Little Girl's three week birthday.

Photos T Rex Dad took when Little Girl was 10 days old - I wanted some "tiny baby" photos.

T Rex Photos - 27 months

T Rex Mom and T Rex Dad with Little Girl (age 3 weeks) - I don't take photos as good as T Rex Dad does that's why there are more of me than of him. (Yes, I cut my hair - about 8 inches - oh, so much better. Now it can all start falling out.)

We're working on Valentine cards for an upcoming family gathering - which one(s) should we use?


septembermom said...

All of the photos are great! I love the second family one :) You look wonderful!!! Where is your belly?? Such a beautiful family :)

Kim said...

Oh I just love the ones of you and naked girl!!!! You look beautiful and I agree with Kelly's question - where's the belly??!!

Emily said...


Your hair looks Fabulous...as do you!

Hope you are feeling grand!

Jenners said...

I love the photos! I love the naked baby one ... very Anne Geddes!

shell said...

Love the pics. The top two have all of you.. that makes sense...

Caitlin said...

Beautiful photos of a beautiful family! Good luck choosing...I sat here for a long time, and still couldn't decide which is my favorite!

Nina said...

Those are all such great photos. You are such a cute family. The hair falling out brings back memories. I think more fell out with child two than child one. Oh how I hated that....

Ron said...

The 2nd one.