Season's Greetings Family & Friends...
This has been a year of change for the T Rex Family Household.
We've decided to relocate to the Alpha Moon Base as T Rex Dad has taken a position with the US Department of Aerospace & Defense. He will be working on the elite "Red Squadron" flying combat team providing security for the helium 3 mining operation on the moon. We are very excited for this amazing career opportunity for him.
On Alpha, T Rex Mom will continue her research of Deep Space Radar Telemetry while continuing to care for T Rex as well as give birth to a baby girl in the new year. Her research has afforded her many opportunities that are of utmost importance to national security. Therefore, we cannot detail it further. And yes, the sewing machine will be going with us.
T Rex continues to be the growing and precocious toddler. He has completed his EVA training and is therefore qualified for off-world travel and can join us on the moon base. He will start pre-school on the base with special emphasis on ABCs, numbers, and colors. He has opted to take his stuffed Elmo and Duck with him. They will be in quarantine until we leave in January - this has been tough on him but they will all soon be reunited.
Despite being close to her due date, T Rex Mom's physician has okayed the trip to Alpha so Baby Girl can be the first baby born on the moon - a true moon citizen. However, the President has said she could have dual US/Moon citizenship - a revolutionary first.
We wish you well this holiday season - A very merry Christmas and much love in the new year. Come visit us on the moon soon...
I hope you all enjoyed my newsletter. Maybe someday that's what it will read!
(Don't forget to cast your vote in my pole and leave a comment on the "Stocking Pole" for a chance to win a prize.)
Good luck on the moon! That would be crazy if it was that way someday :)
Cute letter
lol wouldn't that be cool to live on the moon?! I think so :D
What a cool idea! I love it! The moon would be an awesome place to visit as you describe it. Little baby girl would look cute bouncing around the moon with her cute big brother.
Cute letter- although I have to say that when I read the word "relocate" at the beginning, I had a moment of panic, thinking that you guys were moving!!
Gee boring year ahead huh? Good luck on the finals :)
sounds like an adventure for sure
I can totally see this happening at some point in the future ... perhaps you're letter will be used as an example of brilliant science fiction writing some day! Thanks for playing .. I like where you took this prompt!
Ha! I certainly hope you will be traveling by Chapai or Promethius and not the Nostradaumus. How soon will you be trading up to Mars? The terraforming is proceeding as planned. Just need a little boost to those defense systems.
Oh, pardon me, I meant the Nostromo. I think paying the extra few $$ to travel with the Air Force is preferrable to traveling with 'The Company'. I keep hearing rumors of infestations....
Oh, pardon me, I meant the Nostromo. I think paying the extra few $$ to travel with the Air Force is preferrable to traveling with 'The Company'. I keep hearing rumors of infestations....
Will your sewing machine handle the anti-gravity mode, or are they specially equipping it for you? ;)
Your letter was out of this world in awesomeness! ;)
Very fun imagining. At first you had me and then once I read the parts about Elmo being in quarantine I knew you must be kidding.
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