Unfortunately, I woke up Saturday morning feeling very pregnant (tired, dizzy, weak, achy, nauseous, etc.). Thus , the weekend was devoted to sleep and studying. And while I did all that - it snowed...

Syd - our ten year old Lab - she actually likes the snow and is kind enough to make paths in the yard so our little dog can get to the grass without being buried in the snow.

Our little white dog Anya outside looking in - you can really see how much snow was starting to accumulate.

Ready to go out in the snow - of course, Duck and Elmo have to go too!
That was our weekend. What did you do?
(Don't forget to cast your vote in my pole and leave a comment on the "Stocking Pole" for a chance to win a prize. Just a few more days left...)
Good luck on your exam!! Hope you feel good today :)
Great snow pictures! T-Rex definitely looks ready for some fun.
Glad to see T Rex still has Elmo - we like Elmo here. Good luck with the exam, I remember studying and exams whilst pregnant - not fun.
Darn it. Hope you are feeling better. The snow sure is pretty. And that little boy...ADORABLE with his glasses...simply ADORABLE!!
I tagged you for a Christmas meme today. Hope your exam went well :)
Thank you for the Christmas gifts. I really like the shirt for Ella and the cd. They were thoughtful. Ash
Oh I can't imagine feeling so awful and having to write such an important exam. I am sending you positive thought and know that you will ace it.
I love the picture of T at the door looking out. It is such a great shot!
Last night after we had finished dinner, Shaune asked me if it was okay to open "my toffees". I said yes. All I could hear was Ohhhh, Awwwww, Wowwwww. I thought maybe he had hurt himself but he came into the living room holding the box with a look on his face as if he had just reached heaven. Thanks again for the gifts. The toffee is divine!!
I am so behind in reading. Hope your exam went well. Probably as I read I will be all caught up.
We had our first snow this past weekend. Not much but it was a little bit.
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