T Rex's favorite book at the moment is Eric Carl's The Very Quiet Cricket. He just can't get enough of it and anyone who will listen gets the entire reading. T Rex is delighted to have a new audience to listen...

What are you reading these days?
Our family adventures...Nurse practitioner mom, system engineer dad, fourth grade son, second grade daughter, pre-school daughter, and active toddler. Trying to live happy healthy lives as simply as possible.
Love the video!! I also love Carl's books. Deaglan was a big fan of the Brown Bear series last year. We've been hitting alot of used bookstores and I'm reading some chapter books to him now. I'm delighted that he sits and listens and like T Rex he loves reading to me as well. I can't wait till he can read to Naveen!
So Adorable!! Joseph is not into books right now- makes me sad! Love how comfy AND cute your kids always look!
I love it! The other day I caught Kinsie (my oldest) sitting in the rocking chair reading a book to her teddy bear. I then turned around and found Britnee looking through a book. I love seeing kids develop a love of books at anearly age.
I LOVE when kids LOVE books! We've returned to our original homeschooling recently...and it has meant lots of trips to the library and loads of books.
Your kids are truly darling!
Is there anything cuter than kids reading together? I think not! And Eric Carle is a genius!! I don't think we've read a book of his we haven't enjoyed.
That video is just adorable - I love little kids reading. When I was that age I was obsessed with Shel Silverstein.
oh my word, I love his little voice reading! :) so cute. We have been reading Barnyard Banter, and Moo, Baa, La, La, La a lot lately. Also singing a lot of songs and dancing! :)
Has TRex seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daGNjc2OfOk one of my kids favourite.
Jamberry - is a kid favourite too, just about to buy for about to arrive nephew.
I love when we have a favorite book. Our most recent fave is Go, Dog, Go. My little guy has heard it so much that half the time he is reading it to me. Currently our favorite book has gone missing and I don't know where it went.
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