I hope I can remember...
I hope I can remember these tiny, soft hands and chubby Flintstone feet,
and breath so sweaty sweet.
I hope I can remember nursing my tiny babes and their favorite solid foods -
sweets for her, salty for him - suit their moods.
I hope I can remember playing trains, tea parties, pretend forts, stacking blocks,
and Bebe Sister wearing snowmen socks.
I hope I can remember bed head hair and rosy cheeks after a nap,
and snuggles on my lap.
I hope I can remember the pitter patter of little feet
padding along the wood floors so sweet.
I hope I can remember little voices saying blue, ye-ah, duck, balls,
and non-stop questions filling the halls.
I hope I can remember crayons, coloring, play dough, painted hand prints,
and various other artistic stints.
I hope I can remember reading favorite stories before bedtime in the room, -
especially the ever popular Good Night Moon.
I know I will always be grateful for this honor and call,
being their mother is best of all.
I know some day I'll be old and sitting in a rocking chair remembering these days. I just want to snap shot these memories so I can revisit them in my elderly days - knowing these really were the days.