T Rex Family

T Rex Family

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Star Wars...

T Rex Dad wrote this beautiful piece on his Facebook page. I am copying and pasting it with the photo he took. It's just perfect the way it is:

This photo was 16 years, 7 months, and 3 days in the making....

On May 19th, 1999, the girl I was hanging out with (not dating) surprised me with a real first date: midnight tickets to Star Wars - Episode I. She was a huge Star Wars fan. Little did I know that the someone I had known for 4 years would strike a spark that night to light the brightest flame of my life!

So here we are today watching Episode 7 for the first time. For this premiere, we brought along some perfect companions that we made together in the interim! (B B will certainly be there for the last show in the new trilogy - she already has a HUGE crush on "Luke!")

Thank you, my Darling Love for that fabulous first date and for all the love and family you have have given me since.

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