So, this little guy's body decided it was not entirely over his sickness. In fact, he had a complete relapse leading to the cancellation of all our weekend plans.

But that's alright. T Rex Dad and I might be a little socially deprived but we can always find projects to keep us busy. This was what I did after my three quizzes and two school assignments...

This outfit is for a dinner auction to raise money for my nephew's school. I made another one almost exactly like it as part of a barter with a friend. She's making the kids these adorable knit monsters and I'm making her son toddler pants.

We have a birthday party this week - here's our gift.

This was a Christmas hat I made - either for T Rex or me. Or we can share. As you can see, he's feeling much better. Nothing a little trinket from the Dollar Store doesn't make better - see what he's holding?

T Rex Princess was kind enough to share her toys with her sick brother. Luckily, she's all better.

And she learned a new trick over the weekend - sitting up. And said her first word. Check out her blog to find out what!

Even the first Princess of our Hearts got a few extra pets.
So although our weekend took a detour, we still ended up here:

And isn't that what's really most important?
My little brood is sick as well. I wonder if it is because we went from 115 degrees to 85 in a week? No time to climatize? (is that a word? haha!)
But I'm glad your's is feeling much better!
And yes, that is indeed "what it's all about"!
Very cute sewing! And I sooo wish you or Katie (or both) were here to teach me how to knit! I stink at it! That hat looks awesome!
We've had the bug here, too! I think the entire world's got it! I agree with Rey on the climatize-ing, though!
Good on you...for your positive attitude girly!
And look at your amazing skills. One thing is for certain, you never waist any time...regardless of the changes in plans! know I meant waste...right?! ;)
Those little outfits are adorable (as are the kids, of course). It stinks when kids are sick ... I always feel so bad for them. I'm sure a few more trinkets from the dollar store and he'll be right as rain.
That's so tough. I always feel for the little ones when they're sick. I love all the outfits!! You are one talented gal :)
I can't believe that she is sitting up and talking!!!! Where the heck does the time go? I'm going to send you an email asking for your medical opinion on something. I hope T Rex doesn't relapse again. It's so worrisome to have sick kids not to mention difficult.
What a great sort of photo-journalism post... love the ending picture. And I LOVE the adorable outfits you made. Did you applique the shirts with the same fabric as the pants? What pattern did you use? I would LOVE to make some for my little guy. Do you sell these!? Sorry I just think they are so cute! :)
I love the little outfits you make. They are always so cute! I keep saying I am going to do it but have yet to find the time.
How exciting to be sitting up. Before you know if she will be running around.
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