T Rex Family

T Rex Family

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Our little bean turns 2 years old very soon. We were truly blessed with the right child at the right time. I don't think we would have survived professional graduate school, having a baby while raising a toddler had we been blessed with a different child.  

In a way, I can log my advanced nursing practice studies by my little girl's age. The ovum she was developed from was released the same week I was accepted to nurse practitioner school. When I began classes the morning sickness kicked in with full force. Then just shortly after I started my third session of classes, she made her entrance being born on the three day weekend. Even her illnesses have coincided with my school breaks. This past summer break we completed her toilet training and this past winter break we made the tough transition to her big girl bed. In May I graduate, I'm not sure what big milestone she will achieve then (finish cutting two year molars?), but this little girl will have been with me through the whole professional school thing. This I will always hold with me. I wonder if this earns her an honorary degree?

Admittedly, I am bragging a bit about her. However, during her birthday time, it's just merited. I am not claiming she's perfect, just perfect for us. Yes, the total angel baby according to The Baby Whisperer. A welcome thing after Mr. Sensitive. Both child types have their benefits but for this particular time in our lives, an angel baby was just what was needed.

This tiny (22lbs) person continues to amaze us eating everything and demonstrating an independent, self-driven, self-motivated, opinionated personality - "I do it SELF" - very commonly heard around here, as are, "Brother's turn", "Thank you welcome!", "Want to go bye, bye and see...(insert various family members)", "Mommy's bean, Daddy's boo", "Love you...Much" or singing "Happy Birthday, Dear Jenny" (referring to Jenny Linsky, the cat, from her most favorite book - Jenny's Birthday Book.

We are doing her birthday party with the theme of Jenny Linsky. For her gift, I am making her a bedspread and curtains. This is what T Rex Dad refers to as an heirloom in the making. I'll post more photos as the project becomes complete. However, my little bean climbed over the stairs gate and found her gift in the making. The photo is so charming, especially since she was wearing her Jenny Cat outfit. It turned into an impromptu photo session. More of those photos will be posted on her blog. I am not a professional photographer and not even a hobby photographer, just a mom with a point and shoot camera.

She's almost two and if I remember from T Rex at age two it is terribly terrific. It has all been wonderful. The transition to the big bed has been rough. I recall its toughness from T Rex. However, observing that exact moment when she drifts into dreamland and hearing the sigh of sleep, that is an incredible moment to witness - a perfect moment. This week we celebrate her birth and all these perfect little moments she has brought into our lives starting before she was even born.


Missus Wookie said...

Happy Birthday little Princess Kitten :)

Gorgeous heirloom in the making too, how perfect that she was wearing her cat costume to find it.

Jenners said...

The quilt is gorgeous!! Heck .. I would want that in my room!! I think it will be with her forever!!

And hard to believe she is 2!!! Wow! I think God does balance thinks out by giving you an "easy" baby if you've had a "hard" baby the first time … and vice versa. She sounds like a very independent little girl.

Happy Birthday Bebe Sister (who isn't so Bebe anymore!)

Erin said...

OMG 2? Are you sure? WOW time has flown by! The quilt is amazing!

I hope she has a wonderful birthday!

Tat @ Mum in search said...

Happy birthday, enjoy the terrific twos!

I've given you the Liebster Award, please stop by my blog to have a look.

septembermom said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful little kitten!! Love that line about drifting into dreamland and hearing the sigh of sleep. Poetically put, my dear friend :)

Lovely post!

Kim said...

Happy birthday to your angel baby. I love the cat theme right down to her outfit. And thank you my friend for the wise and wonderful words about sleeping. I knew you'd get it. Hugs to you.

Julie Kieras said...

A Very Happy Birthday to your little girl! :) Wow she is beautiful! And soo cute with the kitty ears on! :)

Caitlin said...

Such a sweet tribute to your angel baby! She is ADORABLE!