It only took 42 week, 1 day of gestation and 57 hours of labor to get you here, but we are so glad you joined our family and blessed us with more happiness than words can express.
You're turning into a little kid, no longer the toddler. You are a handsome young man and just the best big brother. And in general, just a wonderful kid.
Yes, you've had your toddler moments, but all kids do. It keeps us on our to toes. And the asthma, peanut allergy, and stabismus just keeps us really on our toes but also grateful for modern medicine and grateful that you are as patient and adaptive as you are.
We were impressed when at 10 months, 2 days you started walking, then just shy of age 2 you knew all your numbers and letters. And then, just shy of age 3 you started to read on your own and speak Spanish better than all of us. (It must be all that fish oil Mom took while she was pregnant and all that breast milk you had, or the extra 2 weeks you baked!). Parents have to brag a little!
Now, if you could just expand your variety of foods, we'd be so happy but we're not asking for perfection and we're just glad that you are you!
So today we say, thank you for blessing our lives. Thank you for being you...
Mom & Dad